NEWS / PHOTO ARCHIVE – Rotary Club of Kernersville
(All images are thumbnails – select for larger images)
(2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004)
On Dec. 30th, Roy Collette, aka. Mr. Sunshine, presented the ‘Anything Goes’ Year-End Review. Roy roasted most all of us in a collection of one-liners and zingers.
On December 23rd, Jason Grubbs led the First Annual “Family Christmas Program“. Family members, including kids took part in a Red vs Green challenge, including a wrapping challenge, cookie eating challenge and Christmas trivia. |
Dec. 16 – Rotary Visit to Rest Homes in Kernersville
On December 16th, Alice Sink – Author of “Hidden History of the Piedmont Triad” spoke to our club. She mainly discussed her book ( “The Gift Behind the Miracle” ) that described the 1944 outbreak of Polio in NC and how the HP Rotary Club joined up to create a temporary hospital for 400 polio children in Hickory. |
On December 9th, Basketball Coaches Brant Short from East Forsyth and Lee Reavis from Glenn talked about their programs. Both were optimistic about their chances and complementary of their student athletes. |
On December 2nd, “Fitting Fitness into Your Schedule” – Ogie Shaw (pres. by Arnold King) – Annual Meeting – Election of Officers, Chris Oakman (President 2010-11), Pam Ray (President Elect) |
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“ The Art of Service” was the theme for the Kernersville Rotary Club’s fall social held Friday evening, Nov.20th at the gallery of artist Bill Coyne. Clay Howard provided the music, and Smitty’s Grillecatered the event.
On November 18th, Joe Kelly GSE Team Leader from Summit Rotary spoke about his recent visit to India. Joe and 4 young adult non-Rotarians embarked on a 2 week cultural exchange (GSE – Group Study Exchange) to East India. They visited orphanages, various schools, medical facilities and a Polio Center. Students & Teachers of the month were – Joann Kiser(T), Kaley Henderson, Taylor Wallace from Glenn and Andy Obermann(T), Rebekah Arey, Tyler Dickerson from East Forsyth.
On November 11, our club celebrated Veterans Day. We had 6 veterans that took part in the “Flight of Honor” and many others from all branches of our military. Each of them spoke highly of the well organized trip to Washington, D.C. and others briefly told us some “war stories” from WWII.
On November 4, newly re-elected Mayor Dawn Morgan spoke at our meeting. Dawn welcomed the new Board of Alderman members and discussed, “The Next Two Years”. Topics included transportation / roads, future plans for fire stations, Public Works facility and Beeson Park. Other topics were FedEx, the hospital and Triad Business Park. Harvey Barbee Jr. was also inducted as our newest member.
On October 28th, Bob Reed & Barbara Bull spoke at our meeting about the “Kernersville Depot Restoration”. In 1873, the citizens of Kernersville constructed the 2nd oldest depot in western North Carolina. After the Civil War, the rail connection enabled Kernersville to develop a strong tobacco based economy which included 5 tobacco factories. The KDPDC began efforts to save the old depot in 1994. After many fundraising projects, donations, grants, etc. the depot was finally saved.
Oct. 21,Classification Talk – Tim McClellan. Also Rotary Shadow Day. |
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On Oct. 14, the new Principal of Cash Elementary school, Donna Cannon, spoke to our club. She thanked the many Rotary volunteers that have helped out for many years on the Study Buddies program. This has been extremely helpful in gaining confidence and improving the reading skills of the youth at Cash. We also inducted 3 new members –Vicki Stevens, Bryant Foriest& Tony Smits. Students of the Month included Alex Collette & Evan Shaw from Glenn and Kristen Arnall & Isaiah Fletcher from East.
October 7 – Club Assembly
On September 30, the seven candidates for Board of Alderman spoke at our Candidates’ Forum. These included Tracey Shefflette, Bob Prescott, Dana Caudill-Jones, Kevin Bugg, Keith Hooker, Harvey Pullium and Keith Mason. Each of them spoke about economic growth, budget contraints, traffic, taxes, our hospital as well as keeping a good quality of life for all citizens of Kernersville.
On Sept. 23, Kathy Carr spoke to our club about the Josh and Marie Reynolds Hospital Guest House. This will provide affordable lodging in a caring environment for referred adult patients and / or their caregiver(s) who travel to Winston-Salem for medical treatment. About 400 families are in need of lodging each night that have family members at Forsyth or Baptist Hospitals. The guesthouse will be constructed in phases, hopefully to be open in 2011. |
On September 16th, Classification Talks were given by Brad Craddock & Eric Tang. |
Our annual “Pigskin Preview”, featuring the football coaches from Bishop McGuinness, East Forsyth and Glenn was today, September 9th. All 3 coaches discussed their kids’ talent, the difficult schedules ahead, as well the fact that the programs are all run “clean” and in a professional manner. Coaches Charlie Jones (Bishop McGuinness) Todd Willert (East Forsyth) & Dickie Cline(Glenn) |
On September 2nd, Arnold King and Jim Bland spoke on the history and future goals of the Kernersville Foundation. Since its birth in 1999, it has contributed some $139K to Kernersville 501(c)(3) non-profits. The Mission of the Kernersville Foundation is to provide financial assistance to non-profit organizations that serve the Kernersville Community. Just a few of the partnerships include the YMCA, Shepherd’s Center and Korner’s Folly. This year the Kernersville Foundation will initiate an Annual Campaign to raise some $50K. |
On August 26th, District Governor Mike Conrad visited our club. Mike started out by quoting Luke 12:48, “To whom much is given … much is expected.” “The future of Rotary is in our hands,” is the current RI President’s theme and Mike geared this towards his #1 goal of increasing membership, as well as attaining high ethical standards. Other RI goals include 1. Water 2. Health-Hunger 3. Literacy. 7690 is the only district in the world w/ 100% of its clubs being Paul Harris Fellow contributors. 7690 also has 8 “Triple Crown” clubs.
On August 19th, U.S. Congresswoman Virginia Foxx visited our club to give us a brief explanation of current congressional issues. She reminded us the our health care system is STILL the best in the world and turning this over to the federal government is NOT the answer. Recommendations that Ms. Foxx stated that WOULD improve our health care system were: 1. Purchasing insurance across state lines. 2. Increasing the use of insurance pools. & 3. Tort reform. Ms. Foxx also reminded us of the analogy that the “Public Option” of the current health care bill is like a blanket that is too small. It will never be large enough to cover all parts. She also reminded us of tomorrow’s ” Telephone Town Hall“
July 29th – John Coulter and Becky Lewis spoke about the Rotary / YMCA “Back to School” Program titled “Bright Beginnings”. This will take place 8:30 AM, Saturday, August 15th. This will aid to purchase back-to-school supplies and clothes for some deserving kids in our community. We will need volunteers for the 3 hour shopping trip to Wal-Mart, as well as cash donations. |
On July 22nd, we inducted 3 new members and Jason Grubbs presented a Rotary Membership Program. This included a brief overview of Rotary membership, 7690’s directory, sponsorship and Rotary’s need for growth, diversity and quality members.
On July 15th, Brian Hall, from Samet Corporation spoke to our club about the Triad Business Park currently under construction. FedEx Ground will take up about 200 acres, is Phase 1 and should be completed by Spring of 2010. Phase 2 includes 166 acres and is on the east side of the FedEx complex. Infrastructure will include a new RRX near the entrance to the existing Triad Park, as well as the Macy Grove enterchange, projected to be completed in 2015. |
On July 8, Willan Mendoza spoke to our club about his recent graduation from the Rotary World Peace program. Rotary not only supports Polio Plus, GSE, and worldwide hunger relief but also sponsors educational programs devoted to worldwide peace. These programs are located in Argentina, Australia, London, Japan, Thailand and here at Duke / UNC. The Rotary World Peace program is a 2 year Master’s degree program and is focused on international economic development and international conflict management. Will is originally from Bolivia. |
July 1st – Club Assembly – President Jason Grubbs outlined his goals and ideas for this coming fiscal year. The officiers are listed HERE!
Rotary Awards Night – WFU Bridger Field House – June 26th
Presented by Deb Mitchell |
On June 24th, Mike Shaw expressed his deep appreciation for ALL Rotarians who help him this past year. Jason Grubbs ( El Presidente ) gave his Classification Talk and started by expressing thanks to Mike for this past year. This year may be filled with many lawyer jokes, but Jason is very much looking forward to a great one! |
June 17th – Classification Talks by John Wilkinson & Stan Vickers.
On Saturday, June 13th, the Rotary Club of Kernersville sponsored the 2nd annual “Pedal the Piedmont“. Many volunteers assisted Joshua Katz and Kelley Chadwick to have a tremendous event for some 95 riders!
On June 10th, Jan Hinton, owner of Stone Soup Coaching, discussed “Creating Strength Based Leaders and Organizations”. Stone Soup Coaching is business and life coaching to get results you want in profitability, effective teams and organizational success. |
On June 3rd, the girls from CheeReaders, led by Hannah Young, spoke to our club and explained what this program is all about. This is a FREE service project for cheerleaders with little or no time and big hearts. They volunteer to read to emerging readers K-2 students in local elementary schools. This program, with the assistance of many related groups, has spread throughout the South and is beneficial both for the children, as well as the cheerleaders who donate their time. |
On May 27th, Martin Schwartz spoke on the proposed Challenger Learning Center of the Triad. |
On May 20th, Russ Tedder, VP, National Accounts for Volvo Trucks, spoke at our breakfast. Volvo, based in Sweden, has always been focused on safety for cars, trucks, construction, bus, marine and aerospace vehicles. Volvo currently has 110K worldwide employees and believes in the motto, “If you have it, a truck brought it!!” Gabrielle Causby, CEO of Kernersville Hospital joined our club this morning. |
On May 13th, the Rotary Scholarship Winners were recognized from East (Adam Robinson & KImberly Kincaid) & Glenn (Melanie Ferrell & Cailie Cullen). Chief Neal Stockton was our main speaker, as he discussed the KPD and how they are constantly trying to stay ahead of the criminals, preventing crime and keeping our families safe. Neal will be retiring after 25 of dedicated service to our community.
On May 6th, Keith Brandis spoke on the Spring Folly and how we exceeded all participation and financial expectations. Joshua Katz gave us a status on the upcoming 2nd annual Pedal the Piedmontevent and Arnold King gave us a status on the upcoming 7th annualSummerfest.
On April 29, Classification Talks were given by Paul Hummel & Tina Long. Mike Shaw announced that our own club received Gold Club honors as well as special recognition for the “Triple Crown” at this past week’s convention. |
On April 22nd, Jody Susong – Marketing and Development Officer, Family Service of the Piedmont. |
Pictures from 2009 District Convention @ Myrtle Beach
On April 15th, Dave Plyler – Chairman, Forsyth County Commissioners gave us a brief overview of the “State of Forsyth County”. Dave discussed how Forsyth County is trying to plan ahead and not do what so many other counties are doing, reacting to the economy. He also discussed the furlow program that will be offered to county employees, as well as the county’s attempts to obtain stimulus money for various departments. |
On April 8th, our own Jo Haubenreiser spoke about her 3 Hawaiian Ironman Triathlon World Championships that she has competed in. Getting qualified for the race is difficult enough, but swimming 2.4 miles, biking 112 miles and running a marathon will really test your mental and physical conditioning. Her best time was 11:38:34. WHEW! Jo stressed that “Limits are only Self-Imposed” … Anyone can do it …. RIGHT! We also inducted 3 new members – Robert Gale, Steve Whitcomb & Jean Dominique. April “Students / Teachers of the Month” were (East) Tyler Kloc, Esther Mueller, Martin Samek(T) and (Glenn) Samantha Davis, Joe Beard, Kathy Loveland (T) |
On April 1st, Swope Montgomery, President & CEO – Bank of NC, spoke to us about, “It’s a Wonderful Life”. Swope compared our current banking situation to “Lessons from the Depression” and how they both started with unregulated mortgage loans which led to the liquidity crisis. The Bank on NC did accept $31M in stimulus money, but they used it to buy Security Mortgages, as well in a Builder Participation Program to help stimulate the builders in NC.
On March 25th, two of our newest members gave classification talks – Deb Mitchell & JG Wolfe. |
On March 18th, our club inducted 6 new members. John Wilkinson, Stan Vickers, Paul Hummel, J.G. Wolfe,Deborah Mitchell & Tina Long. Other items included handing out a few more Paul Harris & benefactor awards and explaining our upcoming schedule of events. |
On March 11th, Brooks Mayson and Yates Parker gave their Classification Talks. Our club also presented students and teachers of the month to Michael Garcia, Allie Yokley (East Forsyth) and Philip Idol and Cailie Cullen (Glenn). |
Kernersville Foundation Annual Meeting – First Christian Church – Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Jerry Neal of RF Micro Devices was the keynote speaker at the 2009 Kernersville Foundation’s annual meeting, held at First Christian Church. Presentation of grants were made to thirteen (13) non-profit agencies. This year a total of some $33,000 were handed out to these deserving Kernersville organizations. (More info HERE!)
On Feb. 20th, the Rotary Club of Kernersville was presented the Triple Crown Award by DG Charles Allen at our gathering. This represents 100% of our members are 1. Paul Harris Fellows 2. Rotary Foundation Benefactors and 3. Rotary Foundation Substaining Donors. Only 7 others clubs in the entire world have acheived this significant level of donations towards the Rotary Foundation, which represents less than .003% of the clubs. In doing so, we awarded 18 new Paul Harris Fellows. Arnold King and Mike Shaw were instrumental in setting this goal and achieving this a great deal of help from ALL of our members, especially Al Kerr. New Benefactors included: Kevin Adams, Rich Blakemore, Ron Greene, Jack Kerr, Hamp Langdon, Bill Phipps, Pam Ray, Larry Cain, Doc Coplin, Trish Gainey, J. R. Gorham, David Jones, Tom McDaniel, Curtis Swisher. |
![]() The Rotary Club of Kernersville became one of only eight Rotary Clubs out of 33,000 in the world that have been awarded the Triple Crown Club distinction. Mayor Dawn Morgan attended the ceremony to give the Rotary Club a proclamation. Morgan proclaimed Monday, February 23, 2009 as “Rotary Day” in Kernersville. … Article in theKernersville News, Tuesday, March 3, 2009. |
New Paul Harris Fellows included: Bill Cannon, John Coulter, Chris Frantz, Kelley Chadwick*, Judi Elliott*, Ken Gamble*, Jeff Gunter*, Debbie Harrison*, Jo Haubenreiser*, Ron Hefner*, Michelle Hollis*, Josh Katz*, Pete Kunkle*, Brooks Mayson*, Jeff Odom*, Sharon Reilly*, Dave Shepherd*, Ray Smith*, Keith Speaks*, Clark Vincent*, Chuck Williard*, Pam Idol*, Sunni Lauten*, Yates Parker*, Kay Rogers*. * = Also new Benefactor |
On Feb. 18th, Bruce Boyer (President/CEO – Kernersville Chamber of Commerce) moderated a panel discussion with Bryan Swerbinsky (VP/CFO of Deere-Hitachi) and Hartmut Vogt (VP of Operation – Grass America) and the overall topic was the “State of the Kernersville Economy”. Many stats were given related to the decrease in sales, building permits, employment and how these impact our community and our nation. Both major Kernersville employers are trying their best to keep as many in the workforce for the eventual future rebound of this economy. Hartmut and Bryan both discussed their long term strategy even though the short term picture looks grimm.
On Feb. 11th, Jim Ryan – Founding Dean, UNC-G & NCA&T Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering.
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On Feb. 5th, the Rotary Club of Kernersville sponsored the NCAA Football Signing Luncheonand awards ceremony for 11 athletes from East Forsyth High School who signed their letters of intent to go to various colleges and universities. Student / athletes included Vach Boyer (Coastal Carolina University), David Collins (UNC Chapel Hill), Jeff Harris (Gardner-Webb University), Edwin McCrau (West Virginia Wesleyan College), Danny O’Brien (University of Maryland), A.J.Perea (Central Carolina Sports Academy), Trent Perry (Iowa Wesleyan College), Ian Thompson (University of Louisiana at Lafayette), Drew Tiernan (Brevard College), Darrien Walker (St. Augustine College) and C.J.Wilson (Brevard College).
On Jan. 28th, Dr. Adolfo “Fuzz” Fernandez – Assistant Professor of General Surgery, Laparoscopy/Bariatric Surgery at Wake Forest University spoke at our breakfast. Dr. Fernandez reminded us how obesity has become an epidemic. Having a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30-40% will result in higher rates of Diabetes, Cancer, Heart problems, Sleep Apnea, Hyper-tension and mortality. Dr. Fernandez performs successful Bariatric surgeries on his patients that have not had success with traditional weight loss programs. Dr. Fernandez was also presented a Paul Harris Fellow by Allan Asbell.
1/27 – “Apple Dumpling Gang Book” delivered to Piney Grove Elementary School 3rd graders.
On Jan. 21st, Al Kerr presented a classification talk on his years in Rotary and how the Rotary Foundation is such a worthy organization. 53 years of perfect attendance, many fund raising stories, being club president and district governor are all a part of Al’s Rotary story.
On Jan. 14th, Forsyth Tech Scholarship Winner Justin Bloomfield gave us an update on his educational accomplishments related to being a dental hygenist and his recent tour of duties as a Army medic. Kelly Hildebrantjust returned from a 6 month tour with Up With People. She travelled to Mexico, the Phillipines and variuous US states to help serve, perform and gain life-long friendships. Students and Teachers of the month included Landy Fink, Zachary Cope, Chad Lorentz(T) from Glenn and Heather Horwath, Chris Snow, Ellen Hefner(T) from East Forsyth.
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College Basketball Report – Jeff Owens, The Owens Group