NEWS / PHOTO ARCHIVE – Rotary Club of Kernersville
(All images are thumbnails – select for larger images)
(2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004)
On Dec. 19th our annual “Roundball Preview” occurred. Basketball coaches from East Forsyth & Glenn High Schools spoke about the upcoming year. Coach Reavis (Glenn) and Coach Reynolds (East) both were optimistic about their chances and complementary of their student athletes.
On Dec. 12th, Robert Eggleston, President & CEO, DataMax Corporation spoke to our club about Corporate Philanthropy. His experience with community relations at RJR and Lowes Corporation has given Robert great knowledge about raising funds for non-profits, especially in association with coporations. Lowes Hardware has formed many “logical partnerships” with the Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity for such disasters as Katrina and tornado relief. His belief of “Fewer, Bigger, Better” has led to great success in the world of corporate philanthropy.
On Dec. 5th, Mayor Curtis Swisher and the Board of Aldermen held a “Kernersville Town Meeting” at our breakfast meeting. The items discussed included filling the town manager position, the new hospital, downtown changes and roads roads roads. Each of the Board of Aldermen stated that they would like to be more proactive than reactive in their next two year terms.
On Nov. 28, Stephanie Phipps and Anne Rudert from the MS Society spoke at our meeting. Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic disease of the nervous system which affects vision, balance, speech, fatigue, memory and concentration. The National MS Society is committed to building a movement by and for people with MS that will move us closer to a world free of this disease, has over 55 chapters in the US and locally is a benefactor of the Tour to Tanglewood.
This is a historic day for Rotary. It is our great pleasure to inform you of a new partnership between Rotary International and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that will provide a much needed US$200 million in support of our top goal of a polio-free world. The Gates Foundation has awarded The Rotary Foundation a challenge grant of $100 million, which Rotary will match, dollar for dollar, over three years. This is the largest single grant ever given to a volunteer service organization and represents a tremendous validation of the approach and success of our PolioPlus program. (Entire article HERE! or the RI article HERE!) Video
On Nov. 14th, Chief Neal Stockton of the Kernersville Police and Fire Departments spoke at our breakfast. Neal discussed the proactive nature of his forceincluding the SROs – (school resource officers) and their impact on the gangs. “TAG” (Town Against Grafitti) has also been created to curb the grafitti. Chirf Stockton also discussed the Unified Response Plan for the Police & Fire Departments so that the medical / emergency responses can all be coordinated.
On Nov. 7, we had our Club Assembly. Various leaders gave status reports on past and future events such as the Pancake Supper, Pedal the Piedmont, Study Buddies, the upcoming Founder’s Night Dinner, the Haunted House and the Forsyth Tech scholarship.
On Oct. 31st, Jake Cashion presented information about the Rotary Foundation. Jim Bland spoke about our own local Kernersville Foundation. The Rotary Foundation is an international program set-up to promote peace, provide humanitarian relief and coninue the Rotary Polio Plus campaign. So far the Rotary Foundation has provided $420M in grants. “The Mission of the Kernersville Foundation is to provide Financial assistance to non-profit organizations that serve the Kernersville Community”. These include The Shepherd’s Center, Kernersville Cares for Kids, Kernersville Family YMCA, Kernersville Little Theatre , Kernersville Downtown Preservation & Development Council , Friends of the Paddison Memorial Library, Next Step Ministries, Körner’s Folly Foundation,Lamb Foundation, Kernersville Christmas Stocking, Paul J.Ciener Botanical Gardenand Crisis Control.
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Oct. 19-20, 26-27, 29-31
On Oct. 24th, Dr. Amy Harper, spoke to our club about the importance of regular and thorough eye exams. Her specialty is pediatric optometry, where infants and young children can be diagnosed early. Sometimes amblyopia (lazy eye) and others can be misdiagnosed as learning disabilities, and a simple eye exam would have fixed the problem. Presbyopia can be a problem for adults around the age of 40. Dr. Harper also mentioned that 80% of all medical problems can be seen or diagnosed in a proper eye exam. Dr. Harper’s new practice can be found atwww.HarperEyeCare.com .
On Oct. 10th, Michael Church – Publisher, “Kernersville Living Magazine“. Kernersville Living is the only local magazine dedicated to highlighting all that is unique and wonderful about Kernersville, NC. Our monthly living magazine informs our readers about home improvement, real estate and as well as what makes Kernersville an exceptional place to live.
On Oct. 3rd, the challengers for the upcoming election spoke at our breakfast meeting.Kevin Bugg, Alex McLanahan, Calvin O’Briant, Bob Prescott and Harvey Pulliam. Each spoke about their own experience, the reasons for running and the future goals of our town.
On Sept. 26th, the current incumbents for the upcoming election spoke at our breakfast meeting. Mayor Curtis Swisher, Alderman Inez Davis, Jim Memory, Brooke Cashion, Dana Caudill Jones, & Dawn Morgan. Each spoke about their own experience, the past decisions and the future goals of our town. Economic Development, the Business Park, Roads, the Hospital, Public Safety and Downtown Preservation were the common topics of conversation.
On Sept 19, Joann Chiu, GSE Team Member from Taiwan spoke to our club about her year long experience in England and the Triad area. DG Dave McCoy was present to help announce that our own Pam Ray will be leading our district GSE team to Taiwan this next year. Team members include Denise Bellamy, Abby Eaton, Kim Herzing & Sam Seifert. ( 7690 Announcement – GSE Info )
On Sept 12, “Pigskin Preview” – Head Football Coaches Todd Willert(East Forsyth), Dickie Cline (Glenn) and Charlie Jones (Bishop McGuinness)
On Sept. 5th, Dave McCoy, our current District Governor, visited our breakfast club. Also in attendance was the District Governor Elect, Charles Allen. Dave acknowledged Kernersville’s 9 straight years of being a Gold Club and spoke about his “2007-8 Team Supreme”. Dave is a 3rd generation Rotarian and is a great example of how “Rotary makes a difference”. He also mentioned that all clubs need to emphasize new and younger membership and especially make the new members feel welcome and needed.
On August 29th, Michael “Rocky” Carter of “Red Birch Energy” presented a program on Biodiesel. A former real estate developer, Rocky has partnered up in a venture to produce a high quality, cleaner burning and higher lubricity fuel that may soon handle some 2% of our nation’s diesel fuel needs. Canola seeds are used and grown by farmers during the off seasons to create this bio diesel. European countries are far ahead of us in our development of these alternative fuels, but it may be the fuel of the future.
On August 22nd, Darrell Walker led the Open House. 10 guests were present to see the history of Rotary, our own club history, our projects, our accomplishments and our current projects.
On August 15th, Darrell Walker and Jack Kerr gave a brief presentation on Rotary membership. They talked about the proper way a perspective member is supposed to be proposed and the growth of the Kernersville Rotary Club. They also talked about the different classifications.
On August 8th, Joe Bellissimo, Project Director of the Brookstown Development Partners spoke to our club about the new baseball stadium for downtown Winston-Salem. It took 3.5 grueling years of acquiring land and local approval, but the new stadium will be built near Business 40 and Peters Creek Parkway. Completion date will be April 2009 and will include a first class minor league baseball stadium, 300K sq.ft. of retail space, a movie theater and be an economic lift to Winston-Salem.
On August 1st, Greg Beier, President of Forsyth Medical Center brought us up to date on the most recent approval of Kernersville’s hospital. Greg explained that the entire past 14 months may have seemed like a marathon, but with the tremendous community support, it actually was more of a sprint, in the world of hospital regulatory decisions. The Kernersville may open in late 2009 or early 2010 and have 300+ employees with a annual budget of $17M. “Remarkable Patient Experience” for a remarkable community.
On July 25th, Brandon Mitchell spoke to our breakfast club about his recent medical mission trip to Tanzania. Brandon is midway through his medical schooling at UNC and had this opportunity thanks to the Crescent Rotary Club. His duties included medical support for a northern town in Tanzania where supplies are always low, adults and children often go months between basic treatments and malaria is rampant. Brandon enjoyed the medical side of his 6 weeks, but also the cultural differences.
On July 18th, Duane Long, Ray Smith, Zack Sink presented our Kernersville Sister City Program. This exchange program between Dahshi, Taiwan and Kernersville started back in 2004, and most recently Furtwangen, Germany, which is the boyhood home of Joseph Kerner, the founder of Kernersville. The purpose of the Sister City Associations is to establish, and maintain various Sister City relationships with towns and cities throughout the world in order to foster cultural, educational, economic, and social feelings and exchanges between the citizens and residents of the Kernersville community and surrounding areas, and other cultures throughout the world. Host families are from Kernersville, Greensboro and the UNCG community.
Host Family: Jim & Tammy Pyrtle, daughter Candace, Exchange Student: Kitty Liao Host Family: Chris & Trace Fish, daughter Krystal, Exchange Student: Katty Chang Assisting was Tony Lin with the Taiwan Student Association at UNCG, also there from UNCG were Brad Chou and Nicole Lee |
RYLA Moments (Rotary Youth Leadership Academy) – July 16-20
On July 11th, Brian Stewart presided over our Club Assembly. We inducted 2 new members, had reports from Mike Shaw, Pam Ray, Jake Cashion, Tom Martin, David Jones, Donna Neal and reviewed the upcoming 2006-7 calendar.
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Rotary Club of Kernersville Awards Night! June 29th – Hosts – |
On June 27th, Nathan Tabor spoke to our breakfast meeting about “Leadership”. Nathan is owner of TCVMedia and founder of The Conservative Voice. To be a successful leader, one must have vision, be able to delegate / teamwork, be accessible, have the willingness to change, have strong personal integrity, strong work ethics, and lead your own family. |
On June 20th, Jesse Beckom , a member of the USA Bobsled Team spoke at our meeting. His enthusiasm regarding his dangerous sport was very apparent. His descriptions of crashes, training, interacting w/ other teams was exciting to all. Jesse received his education from Iowa State and was a star on their football team before he went into bobsledding. Jesse brought along many items relating to bobsledding, including his shoes, helmet, protective vests and the tight suit that they use. |
On June 13th, Bob Kober, Publisher of BizLife Magazine, spoke to our club about “Regionalism”. Bob compared the Triad’s situation to Chattanooga, TN and how they discovered their “river”. Economic development would greatly increase if the cities of HP, GB and WS would simply embrace each other’s cities and all work together. Long range planning would also prevent the traffic confusion presently found at RTP. |
On June 6th, Brian Stewart (Pres. Elect) ran the Club Assembly. Announcements were made regarding the upcoming 4th of July Parade (Scott Miller), 5K Race(Chris Oakman), Awards Night (Judith Elliott), Summerfest(Arnold King), etc. 5K Race – begins @ 8:30 @ Bank of NC. |
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On May 30th, Mayor Curtis Swisher spoke on the “State of the Community”. Curtis explained further about the Heart of the Triad “HOT” planning project and the 7 municipalities involved. Roads, property taxes, sewer lines, economic development, jobs and the environment are all being carefully evaluated, as this project moves forward. Curtis outlined the TOK’s $24.1M budget, where the tax rate will remain @ $.55 and still include all of the necessities. |
Scholastic Banquet
presented by the Rotary Club of KernersvilleMay 24th – Hosts – Dona Neal, Keith Brandis |
On May 23rd, The Rotary Club of Kernersville presented the First Annual Kernersville Rotary Scholarship to Forsyth Tech student Ashley Cerecke. Ashley is pursuing an Associates Degree in Emergency Medical Services and has maintained a 4.0 GPA at Forsyth Tech. We also inducted 2 new members, Mike and Melissa Lacey . |
On May 16th, we awarded Rotary Scholarships to 4 deserving students from East Forsyth and Glenn High Schools. They were Jessica DeHart, Michael Smith, Sadie McCleary and Eric Thompson. Buddy Collins also spoke on the importance of supporting our troops and the sacrifices that these men and woman continue to make around the world.
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May 14 –
Rotary Golf Marathon |
Rotary’s Booth at Kernersville Spring Folly – Thanks Tom Martin for your efforts!
On May 2nd, we welcomed Jack Kerr into the Rotary Club of Kernersville. Jack has been a member of 4 other Rotary clubs in the past and we look forward to his efforts.
Scholastic Book Fair preparation at Cash School
On April 18th, Beth Hinesley & Jan Frye Hill from the Carolina Donor Servicesspoke at out breakfast. CDS is the federally designated organ procurement organization serving 6.1 million people in 79 counties of North Carolina. Their mission is to save and improve lives through a commitment to increasing organ and tissue donation. One donor can save up to 8 lives and many more in tissue donation. “In the most difficult time … Give the gift of life” |
On April 4th, David Bradley – from the “Kernersville Pastoral Counseling Center” spoke to our club. The Kernersville Pastoral Counseling Center is one of the 22 faith based counseling centers of North Carolina Baptist Hospital. Adults, couples, families, adolescents and children are all served by the Counseling Center. Two priorities motivate the ministry of the Pastoral Counseling Center in Kernersville. The first is to provide quality, faith based, counseling to families, couples and individuals. The second priority is to furnish clergy, and others, with educational seminars that will personally empower their resources and professionally enhance their effectiveness as leaders. |
On March 27th, Thorns Craven from the Reynolda Club and Adrienne Byrd from Greensboro Tannenbaum Historic Park spoke at our breakfast about their recent GSE (Group Study Exchange) trip to Scotland. Their group of 4 non-Rotarians traveled to Scotland to build international relations where they visited 11 various clubs and enjoyed the Scottish hospitality. Team members experience the host country’s institutions and ways of life, observe their own vocations as practiced abroad, develop personal and professional relationships, and exchange ideas. The Group Study Exchange program guide outlines eligibility requirements. |
March 27th – Fireside Chat @ Kevin Bugg’s home.
On March 21, Julia Phipps spoke to our club about her recent medical mission to the Philippines. Julia is a RN at Baptist Hospital and she joined a team of 60 medical volunteers of the NC Medical Mission to see 5000 patients during a 5 day period this past January in Dumagueta, Philippines. This team consisted of a surgical, ophthalmology and dental team that performed cataracts, tumor removals, dental extractions, cleft-lip, and various life-altering surgeries for these islanders. |
Todd Haley, Pastor of Oaklawn Baptist Church, spoke about “Becoming a More Effective Leader”. Todd and Charles Freeman are responsible for the Triad Leadership Summit, a leadership luncheon , held every 2nd Thursday of the month. Some of the quotes from today, “Leaders are not born, they make themselves” , “Without leaders, everything falls”, The Law of the Lid – “An organization will only achieve the goals that the leader sets” , “Effective leaders combine humility and greatness.” |
On March 7th, Rence Callahan from the “Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership” spoke at our breakfast meeting. Rence explained the history of the downtown WInston-Salem area and its potential growth from the Steven’s Center area, to an arts / entertainment district, to the Greenway, to the Downtown Civic Park, to the Research Park, as well as the Davis Garage development area. This area near WSSU is being developed by our own Bill Cannon and Chris Frantz and will be calledExcelsior Street Development. |
On Feb. 28, Marvin Davis, Kernersville Town Manager, spoke at our breakfast and combined his classification talk with a brief status of our town. Marvin grew up in Chapel Hill, attended ASU and obtained his master’s degree with a concentration in public administration. As the CEO of Kernersville, he described Kernersville as the “Glue that holds Greensboro & Winston-Salem together”. To continue to attract quality major businesses, K’ville needs to have the necessary infrastucture before the growth occurs and we need to keep a good balance between “High Tech and High Touch”. This refers to the quality of our Downtown area as well as the intangible feeling that we live in a “safe community”. |
On February 21st, JR Gorham presented his “Pictures from Iraq”. |
![]() This Valentines Day is extra special since I was recently in the hospital for 10 days and while Debbie has medical issues of her own to deal with she spent all but two nights in my hospital room with me to make sure I was okay through the night. Debbie is my special Valentine because three years ago January third, 2004 she appeared to go into cardiac arrest, during this time she suffered what we now know was an Anoxic Brain injury and was clinically dead for 5 days hooked up to many machines for life support. These past three years have proven to be very trying on both of us, four and a half months in both Forsyth hospitals and twenty-five doctors to deal with and so on. Debbie had always led an active life style in her love of elderly and disabled. She can no longer do the things she loved to do, such as cooking, sewing and singing, but she has never complained or expressed anger toward anyone. Her days are now spent locating words in word search books or reading the most recent Paula Dean Cook book. We were married on 911, but it has never been an emergency, only good times and memories of what we have shared during the time we have known each other, for this I am thankful for having her and glad that she chose me. Happy Valentines Day Debbie |
On February 7th, Patricia Perkins – Rotary Cultural Ambassador Scholar to India gave us a slide show of her recent trip around the world. Her Rotary trip included many places from the South Pacific, to India, to Nepal, to France. We also inducted 2 new members, Marvin Davis and Kelly Chadwick | ![]() |
On January 31st, Phil Morris (PDG) presented Barbara Fulp and Van Sherrill with banners for 100% Member Participation and 100% Sustaining Paul Harris Fellow Club for this past year. Bill Phipps also showed a video about the upcoming Rotary District Conference at the Homestead, WVa. |
On January 17th, Joseph Anderson, from Anderson Weber & Henry, P.C.,discussed his book and project “The Light Within”. This project supports the Calcutta Children’s Permanent Fund, which was an outgrowth of his trip to India in 2004. Joseph Anderson traveled for thirty days through Calcutta and Delhi, a trip which he chronicled in a journal and a travel blog. 100% of his royalties from the sale of this book go to the Calcutta Children’s Permanent Fund, a nonprofit organization, which he established upon returning to the US. |
On January 10th, Bruce Boyer was honored with the Rotary Club of Kernersville’s Four-Way Test Award. The 4 Way Test Award is given annually to a non-Rotarian who has contributed to the Kernersville community. This 24-word test is the guide that Rotarians live by throughout the world. Past award winners include: Solly Coltrane, Joe Dudley, Roger Swisher, Charlie Snow, John Staples, Doc Long, Garry Snow, David Fitzpatrick and Jack Blaylock. |
Bruce has served the Kernersville community as the executive Director for the YMCA from 1992-2003 and as the Chamber of Commerce Director since 2003. Bruce looks to God to direct him in his daily life and credits God with his many accomplishments.
January 3rd – Classification talks were presented by Joan Haubenreiser, Roy Collette and Donna Neal.